Undertale Spear Of Justice Download

Undertale Musical - Spear of Justice. By 254116cs scripts sprites. See inside Instructions. WARNING: VERY LOUD, HEADPHONE USERS -----GOAL: 10 loves, 10 stars, and 25 views (we met one goal!). Download code. This project can be opened in Scratch 1.4 or 2.0 Download code. This project was edited in 2.0 so you need 2.0 to open it (dialog.

Undertale by Toby Fox


Comment by pilot Zipen

epic music for an epic bullet hell game with an awesome story to wrap it all together.

Comment by Fnaf Gaming

I feckin hated this fight-

Comment by Eggs on Toast

@the-forgotten-1s why?

Comment by taylaLu12

i rlly like this

Comment by Terro.exe


Comment by Maou no productions

@king-of-souls bones, blood, flesh, ect.

Comment by Jared Flores

La mejor cancion del juego desde mi punto de vista.

Comment by Onepiece

i like this music

Comment by Aldea Chicos


Comment by jayden


Comment by Dennis F

that good

Comment by Christian Evans


Comment by Maxwell Casteel

*Undertale Intensifies*

Comment by renamon


Comment by MrTrclde

refrense to doen't starve

Comment by anus assassin

@ish-blue: one that you're suffering from apparently

Comment by the_eye

@nikki2awesome why?

Comment by the_eye

@amike-811043223 yep.

Comment by MrTrclde

and insanity

Comment by piotr g


Comment by The_ Forgotten 1s


For my 15 birthday I'ma dance to this and spider dance,my mom said no to megalovania :'(

Comment by Luís Felipe


Comment by Nathan Thomas

undine aproches

Comment by Douglas Tyson


Comment by Nakke ツ

Epic sax guy plays :

Comment by N3rtendo plays

Lesbian fish Is a god

Comment by Henry Xiao

Why is dis song so good?

Comment by Ish Blue

@anus-assassin *the hero we never wanted but we needed*

Comment by Ish Blue

Cancer is a disease

Comment by Henry Xiao

Hoi I’m temmie

Undertale Justice Soul

Posted by3 years ago

Soundfont/Sample List

So I felt like it'd be cool to try and work out which music/SFX from the game uses soundfonts or samples taken from other stuff. I think it's really awesome how Toby makes such original music that's also got a lot of hidden little shoutouts in its instrument use. It makes my inner music nerd happy. So I'm just going to list what I caught and I'll add any ones people can point out to the list.

Note that I'm not really trying to narrow down exactly what sound font was used for every song, but rather when specific fonts or samples were used that were clearly a tribute, eg Spear of Justice doesn't use an entire Touhou sound library but it does use the ZUNpets and is pretty clearly a tribute to Touhou.


Flowey's laugh - Half taken from the flowers in Tomba (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2aBa-iQSkxc)
Dummy zoom-in - Taken from (or a thinly veiled reference to) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5TBeX405bc
Dummy pre-fight music - Mega Man X
Igloo travel noise - Few things it could be. Pokemon staircase, Zelda staircase, early FF run-from-battle
Common 'ting' noise, eg when approaching Tsunderplane - I think Chrono Trigger?

10 - Ghost Fight/36 - Dummy! - Insanity5163 from youtube suggested Earthbound, Cédric Crystobal from youtube suggested OFF. Not sure which but I'm leaning towards OFF, at least for Dummy.
14 - Heartache - Something NES but I can't put my finger on it
21 - Dogsong - Mario Paint dog noises1
25-27 - Dating Themes - Phoenix Wright
43-44 - h0I!! - Apparently NES emulation!1
46 - Spear of Justice/98 - Battle Against a True Hero - Touhou, specifically ZUNpets
49 - It's Showtime! - 'The Ultimate Megadrive Soundfont'1
56 - Confession - FF4 or 5 I think
61/62 - Opera Scene - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WwHrQdC02FY nuff said
69 - For the Fans - FF6
72 - Song That Might Play When You Fight Sans - Mega Man X, specifically Mega Man X3 Overdrive Guitar Sample1
83 - Here We Are/84 - Amalgam - Earthbound
92 - Reunited - Chrono Trigger
96 - Last Goodbye - Sounds like Cave Story to me

1 Thanks YobaHere!

Anyone who can pick any more feel free to throw it in!

Spear Of Justice Piano

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