Windows: Several Kindle Fire hacks have surfaced since its release, but now you can get them all in one handy utility. The aptly named Kindle Fire Utility will root and update your device as well as repair permissions, install the TWRP recovery app, and more.
Best way to download torrents to kindle fire? (self.kindlefire) submitted 1 year ago by Its_yo_boy. No need for torrents, download TerrariumTV or Kodi with Elysium, these (AFAIK) are legal cause its streaming (im in the US, don't know where youre at though), and its easier. Amazon kindle fire free download - Amazon Kindle, Amazon Kindle, Kindle for PC, and many more programs.
Kindle Fire Utility96 Download For Windows
Technically the app itself isn't doing the rootin' and the hackin', but it puts all the stuff you'll need in one place. If you're mildly comfortable with the command line and want to mess around with your Kindle Fire, this is a handy little utility that'll make many common operations a bit easier.
Kindle Fire Utility File
Kindle Fire Utility | XDA Developers via The Digital Reader