Get Bios Serial Number

  1. Cmd Serial Number Command
  2. Serial Number Idm Gratis


Hi there, does anyone have any idea how to read the PC's serial number from the BIOS? Any help would be very much appreciated. Just to clarify, I am talking about the hardware serial number of the PC itself, not (i repeat not) software keys of any description! We are building an asset list of our PCs and this information would help greatly Many thanks in advance. Wmic bios get serialnumber It outputs the BIOS Serial number with my laptop. However, I've tried that command line to get BIOS serial number with my company's PC, I didn't work a bit.

We are in the process of upgrading our environment from 3.5 to 4.1 U1. We are building our hosts with a fresh install of vSphere and migrating our guest servers to the new hosts.

However we have an application installed on a server that uses the BIOS Serial Number and the MAC address of the NIC for licencing. When we view the licence information it shows the BIOS serial number, machine name and MAC address. Obviously the machine name wont be changing when we migrate to a new host

However I would like to upgrade the NIC to a VMXNET3 card and this will change the MAC address. Would there be any problems assigning a manual MAC address to the NIC using the MAC address of the original NIC?

Will the BIOS Serial Number change when we migrate the server to the new host?

When I display the licence information for the application the BIOS serial number is displayed as: BIOS SERIAL NUMBER: VMware-50 15 0a 30 59 1c 8f c3-8e e7 08 b6 c2 12 23 65.

Get Bios Serial Number

The HEX numbers in the BIOS serial number displayed are the same as the uuid.bios in the server vmx file. If the BIOS serial number were to change, would I be able to edit the vmx file and change the uuid.bios?


Learning has never been so easy!

If you ever have to pull system Serial Number for warranties, you know it can be a pain, especially if you have to drive to a location to pull it. here is a quick way to get it from the bios using WMI Calls.

3 Steps total

Cmd Serial Number Command

Step 1: Open CMD

Hit Win+ R and type in CMD. Press Enter

Step 2: Run the command

Type in 'WMIC Bios get serialnumber'

Step 3: Get results

If you have a Dell you will see the service tag for the system. if you have an HP, you will see the SN of the system.

You can incorporate WMI calls into almost any script/powershell instance for easy automation. We use this same call to name our computers during MDT imaging.

Serial Number Idm Gratis


  • Thai Pepper
    MarcusH45 Sep 19, 2018 at 09:52am

    Thanks for sharing. Good way to get the serial number when the sticker gets taken off.

  • Jalapeno
    nilstiebos Sep 19, 2018 at 09:58am

    Also, you can use the following commands to get the name and model of the computer:
    WMIC ComputerSystem Get name
    WMIC ComputerSystem Get model

  • Datil
    deanmoncaster Sep 19, 2018 at 10:47am

    That was bloody fantastic!!
    six more words to go, why do they have minimum words? it just means i have to waste my time writing rubbish that isn't relevant.

  • Poblano
    DouglasCH Sep 19, 2018 at 10:55am

    Would anyone out there have a good script that can pull the BIOS serial number, The computer hostname, and the hard drive SN all at the same time.

    I've used
    wmic path win32_physicalmedia get serialnumber for the hard drives
    wmic bios get serialnumber for the Dell service tag
    I know the host name i'm hitting but I would love the information on the same line with the Serial Numbers.

    I'm looking for something that could combine it all in say a tab delimited text file or excel table. I'm not the best at scripting and can't find how to combine them in one fancy query.

  • Jalapeno
    TimY Sep 19, 2018 at 11:02am

    What would be the command to pull a BIOS serial number from a remote system?

  • Serrano
    Shaundor Sep 19, 2018 at 11:28am

    ooo very handy! Thanks for sharing! I'll definitely put this to good use.

  • Poblano
    crorrigan Sep 19, 2018 at 12:37pm

    Amazing thank you, we just have Surface Pros at work now. The serial numbers are insanely tiny and hidden away and make my eyes bleed

  • Serrano
    Elaine7755 Sep 19, 2018 at 12:44pm

    That's very cool, no more getting the magnifying glass out!!

  • Chipotle
    carlseabold Sep 19, 2018 at 12:53pm

    TimY - is say the easiest way would be to use psexec from sysinternals.

  • Tabasco
    Big Boss IT Sep 19, 2018 at 01:23pm

    There are a lot of helpful commands in wmic that can be used with WMIC. Monitor info, physical info on the memory in the board (see what is installed without opening up the case), ports, etc.

    run WMIC /? to see them

  • Thai Pepper
    Kristi1548 Sep 19, 2018 at 01:32pm

    Powershell also works great for this.

    get-wmiobject win32_computersystemproduct

    or for a remote machine
    get-wmiobject win32_computersystemproduct -computername computername

  • Chipotle
    Phil7965 Sep 19, 2018 at 01:38pm

    Thanks for sharing this! Very helpful and informative. Kudos to you.

  • Tabasco
    LanceHarmstrong Sep 19, 2018 at 01:40pm

    I've been using the following for Dell service tags:

    gwmi win32_bios

  • Jalapeno
    Xzorsh Sep 19, 2018 at 01:56pm

    I wrote a (very) simple PowerShell script, I've had expanded versions of it in the past (but they got lost - easy to recreate, though). It pulls information (name, OS, license, serial number, asset tag, etc.. and saves it in a file %NAME%.txt as well as adds it to a text file which can be renamed to CSV and opened in Excel.

    You run it as an admin (too bad the screen is narrow, it's a lot easier to read when it's wide enough):

    $Computer_Name=(Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem -Property Name).Name
    $SerNum=(Get-WmiObject win32_SystemEnclosure).serialnumber
    $Asset=(Get-WmiObject Win32_SystemEnclosure).SMBiosAssetTag
    $License=(Get-WmiObject -query 'select * from SoftwareLicensingService').OA3xOriginalProductKey
    $vendor=(Get-WmiObject win32_ComputerSystem).Manufacturer
    $model=(Get-WmiObject win32_ComputerSystem).Model
    $Windows_Ver=(Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem).caption
    $bit=(Get-WmiObject win32_OperatingSystem).OSArchitecture
    ('Computer Name: ' + $Computer_Name) | Out-File $($Computer_Name + '_report.txt')
    ('Asset Tag: ' + $Asset) | Add-Content $($Computer_Name + '_report.txt')
    ('Serial Number: ' + $SerNum) | Add-Content $($Computer_Name + '_report.txt')
    ('Windows Version: ' + $Windows_Ver + ' ' + $bit) | Add-Content $($Computer_Name + '_report.txt')
    ('Windows License: ' + $License) | Add-Content $($Computer_Name + '_report.txt')
    ('Vendor: ' + $vendor) | Add-Content $($Computer_Name + '_report.txt')
    ('Model: ' + $model) | Add-Content $($Computer_Name + '_report.txt')
    $Computer_Name + ',' + $Asset + ',' + $SerNum + ',' + $Windows_Ver + ',' + $License + ',' + $vendor + ',' + $model | Add-Content list.txt

  • Cayenne Sep 19, 2018 at 02:03pm

    I use this one to get the BIOS version when checking to see if there's an update available from Dell:

    wmic bios get smbiosbiosversion

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